Are you preparing to launch a direct mail campaign? Direct mail postcards can be extremely powerful and effective marketing tools, but small issues like text that’s too close to the postcard’s edges can severely affect their effectiveness.
From low-resolution images to rare and unsupported fonts, issues that seem small at first can quickly turn into disasters for your direct mail campaign if they slip by unnoticed before your postcards are printed.
One of the best ways to make sure your postcards are error-free is to have them professionally reviewed before being printed. In this post, we’ll share the biggest benefits of having your direct mail campaign reviewed by a professional.
A direct mail campaign is the perfect way to re-engage lapsed customers and tap into a new customer base. Effective and provoking content and design are imperative elements used to draw recipients in and encourage them to act on your offer or save it for later.
But how do you know that every element in your postcard is in the right place, and at the right size before printing?
There are some precautionary measures you can take after designing the content and layout of your postcards that can help to ensure that your postcards will be legible, appealing, and ready to produce a great return on investment.
Discover the four things you should check before sending your direct mail postcards off to print.
Has your business’s growth come to a standstill? It happens to every business: sales are strong and every month’s results are better than the last, until all of a sudden the usually excellent growth rate drops to almost nothing.
Businesses slow down for a variety of reasons, from changes in market conditions to seasonal demand that varies from month to month. If your business has experienced a slowdown in growth, a great way to reverse this is to reengage lapsed customers.
There are several ways to get in touch with lapsed customers and past clients, from phone calls to email marketing. One of the most effective ways to relight a business relationship is to send targeted, customized direct mail to your lapsed customers.
Discover four simple but effective ways to reengage lapsed customers and fuel your business’s growth using custom postcards.
May is here and with that come many reasons to reach out to your customer base and reconnect with them.
Maintaining your flow of business throughout the summer months can be a struggle, but with the right custom postcards you can acquire new customers, and keep your existing patrons interested and steadily supporting your business all summer long.
Discover the three reasons why you should be sending direct mail postcards in May.
As discussed in our last blog post, it’s important to understand your businesses competition and create offers that keep your customers engaged and loyal to your business.
From incentives and rewards to special offers and sales, customized postcards are a wonderful way to keep your clients and customers interested and coming back for more.
There’s another advantage to sending postcards that many people do not consider. When planning how to position your business against your competitors, direct mail can be your best bet. Learn how to counter your competition with an irresistible offer using direct mail postcards.
How does your business stand out from the crowd and keep its customers coming back for more?
Unless you offer a completely unique product or service, it’s unlikely that you have no competitors. Offering a customer loyalty program allows you to retain customers by creating incentives to stay with your business instead of choosing a competitor.
Learn how you can retain and reach out to customers via direct mail using a customer loyalty and rewards program. We’ll also share simple tips to make your direct mail customer loyalty program as effective as possible.
Along with a great offer, great copy is often the key to an effective, profitable direct mail campaign. Two seemingly similar headlines can lead to vastly different results based on the words that you do, or don’t, choose to include.
While some words are fantastic for creating results and getting your target audience in the right state of mind for your offer, other words can have a negative effect on the results of your postcard campaign.
In some cases, a single word can be all it takes to break someone’s interest in your direct mail postcard. Because of the power words can have, it’s important that you choose the words you include in your postcard campaign carefully.
The five words below range from direct marketing clichés to words that just don’t work all that well. Avoid all five – and use more effective alternatives instead – to avoid reducing your direct mail campaign’s return on investment.
Mailing custom postcards is an excellent way to drive traffic to your store and get people interested in your products or services. After all, direct mail has a longer shelf life than other forms of marketing and is one of the most trusted methods for acquiring new business.
New customers are great, but loyal, returning customers and their purchases are what makes up the majority of your company’s revenue. Converting your one-time customers into repeat ones is pertinent to a successful and long-lasting business, but how do you do that?
There are many ways to encourage first-time customers to return, but one of the most effective options is to utilize up-sell and cross selling techniques with direct mail. There are many benefits to cross and up-selling aside from helping to convert one-time customers into returning patrons.
Discover how you can use custom postcards to cross sell and up-sell your businesses products or services and convert first-time customers into repeat customers.
If you are considering ways to increase your profit and get more customers in the door, you ought to consider tapping into your nearby or surrounding neighborhoods for new business.
Many consumers choose to visit and support businesses that are in close proximity to their home or work, so sending custom postcards to your neighbors who have yet to visit your store can help to accelerate the growth of your profit and business.
There are many ways to use your close proximity to a neighborhood to acquire new customers, as well as reach out to lapsed ones. Discover three ways you can create a neighborhood or local offer using custom postcards to draw in potential new customers and re engage existing ones.
When most marketers hear the words “direct mail,” they think of campaigns aimed at acquiring more customers. While direct mail marketing is an excellent way to find new customers for your business, it’s just as powerful for retaining customers.
Customer retention is one of the most important and frequently overlooked aspects of marketing. By doubling your company’s customer retention rate, you also double its long-term revenue with few, if any, additional marketing costs.
There are several ways to improve your company’s customer retention. Some work because they’re personal, like phone calls and personal letters. Few, however, are as effective as targeted direct mail postcards.