There's a reason that whole books have been written about fonts and brand styling - it's more important than you think. Having the right font and consistently using it as a way of reinforcing your brand is a marketing strategy that has stood the test of time. Look at famous brands like Coca-Cola or IBM and you'll notice that their fonts have changed very little despite their long history. The reason is that customers identify with that specific font and automatically associate it with its respective company. Wouldn't you like your customers to feel the same way about your font when they receive one of your custom postcards?
A printing mistake is almost never going to be the end of the world, but it could cause some serious embarrassment or a significant chunk of money. That's why learning about the most common design errors is a good thing to do - the more you know, the less likely you are to end up with a pile of custom postcards that can't be sent to your clients or prospects.
Your postcard designs don’t have to be fancy or overly complex to get your message across to your audience. Applying some basic design standards can make the difference between a postcard that gets noticed, or one that gets trashed without a second glance. A working knowledge of color modes, typography and file formats is also necessary to ensure you’re on the same page with your print provider. Here’s a list of 10 inspirational print and design blogs to help you on your way to becoming a postcard design superstar!
Full bleeds, safe areas, and cut lines - it can sound like a scene from a horror movie, right? Well, it can definitely turn into a horror story if you're trying to print your own postcard and don't know what these terms mean.
If you plan on using a design template for your next direct mail advertising postcards project, then it's high time to learn the lingo that these templates use. Better yet, let's walk through the entire process and everything will start to make sense.
Print still remains not only a valid and effective option for marketing, but with less competition in the mailbox, it gives small businesses a competitive edge. Not only are you able to attract new audiences to your brand, but a well-timed fast postcard direct mailing can bring those longtime customers coming back for another round. Still, to use print effectively you need to know what you're doing. Many a marketer has made the mistake of not fully understanding the way that print works and ending up with boxes of printed postcards that look ill-designed and not at all professional despite appearing great on-screen.
The problem: knowing the difference between RGB and CMYK colors.
As a follow up to one of our most popular posts, Why Do Some of My Mailed Postcards Have Smudges or Scuff Marks?, we thought we'd create a video to allow you to see what actually happens throughout the printing, sorting, and postcard mailing service process at QuantumPostcards. Whenever you mail postcards with us, your cards go through sorting machines that are specifically calibrated for postcards to lessen bouncing that can cause smudging. We also offer UV coating for a protective layer that will minimize tearing and smears.
Watch the video and if you have additional questions, contact our support team. We're here to help. You can also check out all of our postcard printing and mailing options here, including "UV Coating" options.
When you look at a marketing postcard, it’s easy to visualize the contribution of the designer, the copywriter, and the editor involved in its creation. Each plays a major role in crafting the visual identity, style, and effects of the direct mail campaign.
It’s often harder to visualize the role that the printer plays in a successful postcard direct mail campaign. From offset printing to digital printing, the type of printer you select for your custom postcards can have a real effect on your campaign’s results.
In this quick guide, we compared two different printing options – offset printing and digital printing – to find out which offers the best combination of convenience, value for money, and quality for marketers sending direct mail advertising postcards.
As any experienced direct response marketer knows, successful marketing isn’t just about reaching a large audience, but about reaching a responsive audience.
Twitter’s advertising platform, which was recently rolled out for small businesses in addition to the company’s large base of corporate advertisers, is an excellent tool for small businesses seeking insights into their audience’s tastes and interests.
In this quick guide, we’ll look at how you can use Twitter to learn more about your audience’s tastes, interests, and passions, and use this information to think up great postcard ideas for marketing your business.
When it comes to building your email list, new technology isn’t always best. Most marketers agree that the money is, as they say, ‘in the list,’ but few can agree about the best way to turn cold prospects into email subscribers.
In this quick guide, we’re going to look at how one of the oldest and most effective forms of direct marketing can be used to build not just your brand, but your email list.
Are you searching for a way to bring some much-needed attention to your small business, but don't know where to start?
Maybe a Pinterest-inspired business postcards campaign is the answer.
You might have questions about whether “snail mail” is still relevant in today's modern age, but you shouldn't. Think about this: people like to get mail, and a simple postcard can make a big impact. We may have become desensitized to receiving email from companies, but a postcard from a small business found in a mailbox can still evoke that emotional response that influences buying decisions. Also, the expense could be much lower than you think. Many direct mailing services offer prices that are very competitive with other marketing methods.