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July 2013

3 Mantras for Designing a Great Call to Action

July 29, 2013


The layout and design of your postcard direct mail piece plays an important role in getting the desired response from real estate and small business customers and prospects. We’ve put together three tips that will help you design a great call-to-action that gets your postcard’s recipients to take action. You don’t have to be a designer to utilize these tips as they can also help you to provide constructive criticism to a graphic designer or agency you’ve hired. First, emphasize only the action you want the recipient to take, de-emphasizing everything else on the postcard. Second, make your design simple so your call-to-action is easily found. And third, don’t feel the need to fill every inch of your postcard with words or images. White space can be an excellent way to showcase your product or special offer.

Direct Mail Growing in Popularity Among Young People?

July 22, 2013

The percentage of young people who say they will respond to direct mail is on the rise. Why is this uber tech-savvy generation so increasingly responsive to direct mail marketing? They’ve realized that the majority of what they do online is not guaranteed to be private, even when password protected. Direct mail, on the other hand, is a safer way to keep information regarding sensitive topics, such as those relating to health, private. Certainly there is a chance for mail to reach the hands of an unintended recipient, but the audience of that exposure is much smaller via direct mail than online. Also, young people now expect that when a real estate brokerage or other small business communicates with them directly, the communication is personalized. Technology has allowed direct mail to be personal, interactive, and relevant, meeting and often exceeding this audience’s expectations.

USPS Makes Local Direct Mail Postcard Marketing More Complex than Necessary with New ‘Every Door Direct Mail’ Program

July 15, 2013
Local direct mail marketing

In an effort to stimulate direct mail marketing activities and generate revenue from postage on direct mail postcard campaigns, the USPS has been rolling out various programs targeted at small business owners and DIY marketers. An article in the October 2011 issue of Deliver magazine features their latest service offering called Every Door Direct Mail. It’s described as a “simplified mailing process” or an easy way for businesses to target prospects in specific geographic areas, even if they don’t have a list of names and addresses at their disposal.

To a small business owner strapped for time and unfamiliar with direct mail marketing execution, this program sounds like a dream. Unfortunately, the given summary of the program is grossly oversimplified and fails to mention huge flaws.

For starters, small business owners and marketers willing to try the Every Door Direct Mail program will need to make sure their running shoes are tied on securely—because they’ll have to make several trips to their local Post Office. Rather than the four–step process advertised by the program’s description, marketers will have to do a lot to get mail out the door and into local mailboxes.

4 Ways Jumbo Postcards Can Help Boost Business

July 8, 2013
jumbo postcard

Small business owners and real estate brokers and agents can use jumbo postcards to stand out in the mailbox. Their size alone draws more attention than what homeowners typically find in their mailboxes. Jumbo direct mail postcards can be used to target prospects a small business isn’t able to reach via online channels, and potentially direct them to online properties for further information. Reminding past customers to use a particular brand is another way jumbo postcards can help build business. Stick to a monthly or quarterly schedule to stay in front of customers on a regular basis, thanking them for their business or asking for referrals.

When Was the Last Time a Company WOWed You?

July 1, 2013

QuantumPostcards direct mail, postcard, flyer, brochure, business card, booklet, card, poster, magnet, and door hanger products and services are all backed by QuantumDigital's WOW Guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with your experience, the QuantumCards by QuantumDigital team will make it right. Has a company WOWed you lately?