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March 2014

How to Inform Postcard Targeting and Messaging Using Twitter Ads for Small Business

March 28, 2014

Postcard Targeting Using Twitter Ad Insights

As any experienced direct response marketer knows, successful marketing isn’t just about reaching a large audience, but about reaching a responsive audience.

Twitter’s advertising platform, which was recently rolled out for small businesses in addition to the company’s large base of corporate advertisers, is an excellent tool for small businesses seeking insights into their audience’s tastes and interests.

In this quick guide, we’ll look at how you can use Twitter to learn more about your audience’s tastes, interests, and passions, and use this information to think up great postcard ideas for marketing your business.

How to Use Postcards to Build Your Email List (and Your Brand)

March 18, 2014

Postcards Build Brand

When it comes to building your email list, new technology isn’t always best. Most marketers agree that the money is, as they say, ‘in the list,’ but few can agree about the best way to turn cold prospects into email subscribers.

In this quick guide, we’re going to look at how one of the oldest and most effective forms of direct marketing can be used to build not just your brand, but your email list.

Let Pinterest Inspire Your Next Postcard Campaign

March 12, 2014

Are you searching for a way to bring some much-needed attention to your small business, but don't know where to start?

Maybe a Pinterest-inspired business postcards campaign is the answer.

You might have questions about whether “snail mail” is still relevant in today's modern age, but you shouldn't. Think about this: people like to get mail, and a simple postcard can make a big impact. We may have become desensitized to receiving email from companies, but a postcard from a small business found in a mailbox can still evoke that emotional response that influences buying decisions. Also, the expense could be much lower than you think. Many direct mailing services offer prices that are very competitive with other marketing methods.

9 Facebook Marketing Blogs to Follow

March 6, 2014

Facebook Marketing

Marketing on Facebook can be a bit overwhelming for small business owners. Before you dive in, make sure to take a step back and first decide if Facebook marketing makes sense for your business. Think about your target audience. Are they active on Facebook? What are they doing on Facebook? Some users only log onto Facebook to see what their family members are up to and post pictures. Others are more actively engaged and enjoy interacting with brands they love via social channels. You may also want to do some research to see if your audience is actively engaged with your competitors’ Facebook pages.